About Us

Regularly nobody should ask the questions of who and why, except exactly here, as we want to show you in a short introduction who we are and what we achieved so far

about the company

XSTeam Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH is a holding company privately owned. Evolving from a humble one-man consultancy in 2006 to a vibrant and eminent player in Germany, XSTeam today stands for trust, dynamism, growth and quality.

Headquartered in Cologne Germany; XSTeam diversified business operations have a global presence with skilled workforce belonging to various nationalities. The conglomerate reflects dynamism in its business sector, while retaining the identity and values of a strong enterprise.

XSTeam commitment to provide innovative solutions in Healthcare, Financial Services, Pharmaceuticals, Education, Hospitality and Environment sectors, has earned itself the reputation as the premium business in IT industry. The company has also established a global presence with successful acquisitions and strong partnerships.

Agility, innovation, diligence and integrity form the pillars of XSTeam. Value to the society, success in business and trust among stakeholders along our journey, has inspired us to seek new challenges and pave a new path to excellence.

about the founder

Carsten Dingendahl is the founder and managing partner of XSTeam.

He took his first steps in the field of information technology while still at school, but without suspecting that he would one day call a company in this field his own.

During his studies, EDP developed into information technology and he worked as a student trainee for a system house, where he already gained an insight into the technology of the 90s. The idea to start his own business matured in him after he had successfully completed a Y2k project for a bank in North Rhine-Westphalia, which included an automated workstation installation and the complete packaging of office applications.

As a result, he and two partners founded netblue in Cologne, which grew continuously until 2005 and dealt with topics such as terminal servers and software packaging. At the same time, he worked closely with Trend Micro, which he already knew well from his hours of work, so netblue grew to become a serious player in the field of content security.

After they parted ways on the shareholder level, he developed xsteam and focused on topics such as virtualisation since 2006, where he was active in over 100 projects in the DACH area with the manufacturer DELL. From this, the business model in the area of cloud computing and information security developed since 2009, he also worked closely again with a premium partner of Trend Micro [Connect GmbH] in the area of deep security and deep discovery. Subsequently, he developed into an expert in applied encryption in the area of data at rest and PKI.

173 Happy Clients
231 Completed Projects
91 Creative Ideas

our story

the attempt to fit some milestones of our own development into a timeline


ndaal foundation

After more then three years in moving datacenter projects for healthcare industry under HIPAA compliance rules and the successfully planned datacenter migration under taking into account the regulation from BaFin and Nationale Bank van Belgie, for one of the largest insurance companies in the world, we decided to make the next step into cloud computing and the growing demand for integrated compliance and information security. ndaal was born and is the latest project in the XSTeam family


grid and big data

After the foundation of the XSTeam GmbH & Co. KG we started directly for one of the biggest private banks in Germany he was responsible with a team of two more external experts to develop a new P&L grid farm, based on virtual hosting solutions. The application as such was about more then 40.000 nodes in production, stretched across five datacenter in different regions of the world. The main goal was to be able to deploy 10.000 grid nodes fully activated in production within four hours, while not using a network based distribution solution - and we did it!


birth of XSTeam

Together with a strong partner DELL in the back, more then 100 successful virtualization project run on VMware ESX and vCenter Server were realized, ending in a huge VMware vSphere project dealing with more then two PetaByte of data ans a huge ESXi server farm for a big media firm in North-Rhine Westphalia, which started with the beta builds of vSphere and the birth of VMware Orchestrator


1st company

With the start of the new company, together with two partners, we installed Terminal Server solutions based on Citrix solutions for over 150 concurrent users. Later we managed Terminal Server solutions for big companies having users in more then thirteen countries across Europe. In parallel they become a Trend Micro champion in integrating not only desktop anti malware solutions but also gateway based solutions for email and web surfing, together with anti spam solutions based on open source solutions, like postfix, to tame the upcoming spam plague



Starting to work on more complex challenges he made his very 1st project by himself, with the goals to automatically update all server and pc firmwares for y2k readiness at a bank and after that being done, to redeploy all workstations automatically from scratch over the Ether


working student

Windows NT 4.0 started to concer the world and he 1st started working in computer networks and software packaging and automation with NetInstall. Here he dived into parallel mass deployments of mobile computers such as IBM Thinkpad T600e and ISDN RAS connectivity solutions


Personal Computer

With his TOSHIBA T2200SX MS DOS and Logo as programming language at school, he made his first "Hello world" experiences